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Sanniya Arif

Introduction to Abwab Thulathi Mazeed Fihi

Introduction to Abwab Thulathi Mazeed Fihi - In this session, we will study the words with three root letters and some additional letters. These words come under Thulathi Mazeed Fihi Abwabs(mold/scale/pattern).

Mostly every word in Arabic has three root(Original) letters. Then there are words with four and five root letters in the Quran, the quantity of which is much less as compared to three root letter words.

In this session, we will study the words with three root letters and some additional letters. These words come under Thulathi Mazeed Fihi Abwabs(mold/scale/pattern). 

The words that are made by adding additional or extra letters to three root letter words(Thulathi Mujarad) are called Thulathi Mazeed Fih.

The word/verb patterns in Arabic are like molds. When we put water in different ice molds, it still is water, but not the same. Its shape is changed, hence also the meaning and use, but the root remains the same in meaning. 

eg. نَصَرَ

It is a three root letters word, sitting on the mold of فَعَلَ, meaning “to help”. 

Literal meaning, “he helped”.

If we add more letters to these original letters using a certain mold, the meaning will change. 

If we put three root letter na-sa-ra in the اِسْتِفْعَالٌ mold, it will become اِسْتَنْصَرَ - to seek help

The meaning of “seeking” comes from the addition of the words “sa” and “ta” at the start in اِسْتِفْعَالٌ mold.

For now, you do not have to memorize or understand what is happening here. Just have a look at the pattern and how the meaning is changing. 

The thing for you to remember about this example is that اِسْتِفْعَالٌ mold gives the meaning of “seeking”.

Any three root letter word you will put in this mold will give you the meaning of “seeking”.

For example, if we put three root letters غ ف ر which means to forgive(lit. he forgave) in the اِسْتِفْعَالٌ mold, it will give the meaning of “seeking forgiveness”. 

اِسْتَغْفَرَ - He sought forgiveness

Things to see:

  • The root letter remains the same.

  • The basic meaning remains the same.

  • Putting it in the mold gives it a new meaning.

All such molds that have three root letters and some additional words in it are called Abwab Thulathi Mazeed Fihi

Important to remember: Each mold(baab - singular of Abwab) has its particular name, and a pattern that it follows. 

Introduction to Abwab Thulathi Mazeed Fihi - In this session, we will study the words with three root letters and some additional letters. These words come under Thulathi Mazeed Fihi Abwabs(mold/scale/pattern).

Hence, we see how different words with the same root letters are made by using different molds in Arabic. And that is how many words from the same root letters are made. 

Isn’t it just so beautiful? 

Now, whenever you see or use the أسْتَغْفِرُ ٱللَّٰهَ you know which mold it is coming from. 

Asalam Alaikum!


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Sanniya Arif

A cozy corner, warm lights, clouds, pen, a journal, Quran, and coffee is what I am made of.
By profession, I am copywriter, editor, and designer - By soul, I want to be a rain drop, or a leaf that falls on the cold, wet ground.

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